Monday, August 31, 2009


Pictures and re-cap are coming in increments over the next week. Get on the edge of your seat people, these posts are going to BLOW YOUR MIND. Honestly they'll be pretty boring, but since this is kind of our scrapbook/journal I can't leave out our vacation. It might be our last one for a very long time.

So we'll start from the beginning of the trip...

In high school I had a very... colorful room. That's probably an understatement. This is just one portion of the room, a TV shelf painted to reflect the earth and the sky (I was DEEP). So it turns out my mom wanted a more subtle shelf for her craft room so it got painted white. This picture is the last remaining vestige of its former glory. I always knew I should have been a professional shelf painter. I would have made BANK in the brightly painted philosophically themed niche shelf market. Dang it!

After doing some chores we made a beeline for Cafe Rio - well you get thrown out of Rio if you dare to take pictures of their secret going-ons so this is a picture on the way to Rio. But it's debatable on whether we were more excited to eat or see the mountains again. I totally took them for granted before.

I also got to spend some quality time with Kster. Not only is she getting married in a little over a month (!!!!) but her and Adam bought a house in Orem. This is a picture by their front door. I got to see their fabulous book nook, fireplace, and huge downstairs. K, ash, and I have known each other for almost ten years. It's crazy to think how much we have all changed. Who would have guessed how we'd all end up:

Ash - married to Sam, living in Cali, has Parker, with another dumpling on the way
K- almost married to Adam, has a house in Orem, works in Provo
B - married to Brad, living in Southern Illinois, working in St. Louis

And we all have college degrees, I think we've done pretty well for ourselves. I'm glad I can actually be proud of my friends. Thanks for not going off the deep end guys! I do love them and I'm proud of all of us.

Wait, is this post supposed to be about Utah? Oops. More to come... I'll stay on topic next time.


ashley said...

Thanks for the shout out Bridge! I'm proud of you too : ) Who would have thought we'd turn out so well? I'm so excited to see you sooooon!!!! Love you!

jenny said...

You forgot one.

Jenny. Unemployed. Living in her sister's basement.

Why aren't you proud of me!?