Monday, December 29, 2008

cure for the post christmas blues

Our Christmas visit to Naperville was wonderful, but way too short. There just wasn't enough time to properly visit with everyone. At one point there were 27.5 members of the family in the Carn's home! Brad and I left late Sunday so I could get back to work bright and early Monday morning. I can fully attest that the last possible place you want to be after spending 4 days stuffing your face with Diane's amazing food, playing Rock Band with "Mass Carnage", and laying around all day in your pjs is back at work. Blah. The only cure for the post Christmas blues? My mom and sister are arriving in Alton this afternoon for a two day trip and then Brad and I are off to Indiana to visit my brother and his family this weekend.

It really is the most wonderful time of the year. I'm really not looking forward to next Monday when we have to get back to our normally scheduled programming (err... life).

1 comment:

Kristin said...

who was the .5?

Have fun with your fam!