Sunday, December 7, 2008

christmas came early

We were fortunate enough to receive a special advance visit from Mr. Kringle this year. Apparently Mr. Kringle lives in Naperville and his name starts with a B and ends in rad's parents.

The night we got home from our Thanksgiving vacation we stayed up until 3 AM putting our dresser together (watching Finding Nemo that late at night defiantly keeps you alert). Drawers! Oh how I have missed you!

We put the TV stand together the next day - it's actually a book case but it serves our purposes nicely. Brad and I have an embarrassing amount of movies, those will eventually go inside baskets so as to hide the numerous lame teeny bopper movies I own (can anyone say Crossroads?).

This should technically be a blog post all it's own... When Ashley graduated from BYU and her parents came to move her stuff back to Texas a few things were voted off the island (aka thrown or given away because they didn't fit). I fortunately inherited this miniature tree and it's been a Christmas staple for probably seven years running (including the BYU years when it wasn't mine yet). Thanks Ashley! Your tree is well taken care of; it's the only tree Brad and I have ever owned.

K & Ash, PS - yes that is the same tiny tree to the left that we all purchased one of freshman year. Sadly it's doesn't light up anymore. Can you tell I keep stuff way past it's prime?

EDIT - Also, I forgot to mention that the fabulous TV featured in picture #2 was actually gifted to us by Kristin. She has a very generous fiance who gave her a sweet flat screen so eventually Brad and I inherited the silver fox (it ways a ton, but free is my favorite price!). We love it.

It kind of seems like Brad and I never buy our own stuff... I promise we do. Couches and book shelves just don't seem as riveting as a dresser :)


Chris and Angie Carn said...

I guess you forgot the large tree that was in your apartment last year!!!

Kristin said...

Ooh, you got some great stuff! I love both the dresser and the tv stand/shelf. Hooray for furniture!

I'm so impressed you still have that little tree. Did you try replacing the batteries :)

Also, while we're giving shout-outs for belongings we inherited, how about that tv!

jenny said...

That is the shelf of all shelves. I have it. You have it. Some other people have it. I LOVE THAT SHELF.

Kristin said...

haha, that's more like it. I was totally kidding. I gave myself my own shout out so you didn't have to. Besides, it's kind of a crappy tv

ashley said...

Oh, the tree! Remember when we lost the base and stuck it in the popcorn bowl? We have the same taste in furniture because I have that dresser and that shelf in a bigger size. I love them both. And Ikea.

ashley said...

PS-I think I had that tree for a few years in Texas too, so I think it's like 10 years and running. Awesome.