Tuesday, July 7, 2009



Okay. So confession time: ItakenoteswhilewatchingSoCanDance. There I said it. It feels shameful because even though we’ve already established that I’m a big nerd this feels like suspenders/Kenny G/Comicon levels of nerdism. Think about it, I legitimately sit there writing notes on a TV show that I have zero affiliation with and then post them on a blog that exactly 2 people read. I just know I’m going to be a really embarrassing mother someday. Okay so the explanation for my confession is that I started reviewing my notes this morning and found the following phrases:

- The French man allowed his wife to speak? I thought he cut her tongue out years ago.
- Mary, tamale, hot mess, awful.
- Insert Center Stage reference here.
- Did they just say “condom”?
- I miss hyper-critical-bizznatch Mia.
- Oldie looks especially old.

I lead a funny little life. And even though that pretty much sums up the night, I’m still submitting you to a lengthy and pointless critique that satisfies my urge to JUDGE (snarky commentary included).

Oh PS – I know you’ve been sitting on the edge of your seat for this post. CALM DOWN. We had a jam packed weekend in Plano visiting my dad... and Bradley got a bit sunburned. That's what you get with 103 degree 4th of July pool parties. More on that later.


Carlton/Cha Cha
I thought this was all sorts of: Just Okay. I think they are starting to be awesomely boring. It stinks for them that I expect something AMAZING, but I need to be entertained. Deal with it. What’s with Nigel calling it the best cha cha ever? Okay man, I’ll take your word for it. And apparently Mia and Carlton are in some sort of fight club because she’s toughest on the ones she loves? Smooth Mia. Anyway, I still liked it, but haven't we seen this exact dance the last 3 weeks? The Under The Legs Move at the end was the best part.

Sidenote – Did you see the guy in the audience with the Russian ski hat on? Is he protesting Russian A’s untimely elimination? Is it cold in the studio? Was it a dare? I’m so confused. Plus he’s really distracting. I can’t focus on any of the awkward choreographer shout outs now.

When they showed them before the commercial break I was worried that it was some type of Corpse Bride ode. But OH CONTRAIRE FRIENDS! Twilight has taken over our lives! Even Sonja is on Team Edward. Seriously though she really does continue to be awesome. I wish we could be friends. And Twilight aside I actually loved this. She just consistently kicks trash with the outfits, song choice, and choreography. Mia says 5-0 and season 4 alum Mark have Calm Power – deep. AND how do I say this PC? Does 5-0’s… lisp… get stronger every week? I swear he didn’t talk like that 3 weeks ago. And even though I can admit that Blondie might be good, she still bugs. Someone needs to let her know that America loves an underdog. FYI no one cheers for the "Did you see how on I was tonight?" chick.

Guys… I didn’t love this. I thought the choreography was weak and they danced it a little sloppy. And I’ve even seen Fosse, I get the concept, I just didn’t love the interpretation of it. I wanted it to be faster (or the music slower) and I wanted it to be more campy and big (maybe more people?). Plus Unitard’s outfit was horribly unflattering (maybe that’s why Mia thought she danced “heavy”). And even though the judges thought Unitard was better, I thought Broadway was better (and I liked his hair). This is hurting my head. I REALLY wanted to love this, but I didn’t. Blah.

Well color me suprised! I really liked this. I thought the choreography was interesting and fun. Although come on! How could alien impregnation not but fun? Also, I have to give Ruby props for TOTALLY WORKING that truly awful costume (Dancing condom? Can they say that on TV?). Even though it was 2 cups of crazy, I thought they danced this well enough.

Cartoon Lips/Emmy Rossum
First can we address the Nappy Tab name for Tabitha and Napoleon? When did this happen? Where was I? I guess it’ll save me some key strokes. Moving on… I always have mixed feeling about Lips and Emmy. I liked the choreography, their outfits weren’t awful (although HELLO BRA!), I like both of their personalities, and I loved the song. I think ultimately I’m with Mia, they did it well, but the chain was a little distracting. I could see them seriously focusing on: CHAIN CHAIN CHAIN. I just went back and watched this again and I think knowing they don't trip over the chain makes it more enjoyable to watch the second time around. They deserve to be in the top 10.

Fro Pick/Oldie
Seriously guys, the only notes I took for this were:

...What the magic hat is going on? (Yeah, like they randomly drew this. Has a couple ever been spoon fed their routines more than these two?)
...Insert Center Stage reference. (Queu Jody's well placed tear.)
...Oldie looks especially old. (Sorry! Couldn't they do a modern take on the costuming?)

I guess a few of those aren't their fault. Either way, can the So Can Dance producers check Classical Ballet off their list now and get rid of Oldie?

Orphan/Laker Girl
Aside from worrying that Orphan would snap off one of LG's painfully skinny arms my instinct was that any other couple could have danced this better. It was cute and fun and they did a pretty good job, but I wish Unitard and Broadway would have had this number. Not a great sign.


***It's getting down the to the wire but there are still a few weak links. That was not the bottom three I imagined, but I'm pretty sure the judges needed approximately 3 seconds to deliberate over who was going home.
***Emmy danced her little heart out and even though she clearly did the best she was shocked when the judges praised her. Take notes Blondie - It's called endearing yourself to the public and also BEING AWESOME.


***I’m Picking Up What You’re Throwing Down
Cartoon Lips/Emmy Rossum

***Riding the line
Carlton/Cha Cha

***Doing Nothing For Me, But Not Awful
Fro Pick/Oldie

***Should Be Voted Off the Island
Orphan/Laker Girl

***Who SHOULD go home: Orphan & Laker Girl
***Who I WANT gone: Orphan & Oldie
***Who ACTUALLY got kicked to the curb: Orphan & Laker Girl

Since I've been a slacker here are some rumors going around the blogs for this weeks show:
...Every pair will dance twice (finally!)
...Carlton/ChaCha - Tango &Jazz
...5-O/Blondie - Contemporary & ?
...Lips/Emmy - Russian Folk Dance & Jive

End Note: Does anyone else WAY overanalyze how the group free dances together while the credits are rolling? Just me? Okay. Well from my close scrutiny I think Unitard and Blondie are BFFs, Ade is the playa, no one likes Carlton, and everyone loves Lips. Yeah, I'm insane.


Steve said...

I agree with 95% of what you said, especially about Unitard and Broadway. Her outfit was horrid and I thought he was supposed to be acting macho....I can't watch him without picturing how his brother would be doing in the same routine.

Glad to see Mr. EkOrphan go, Iwas tired of his sad face. I have to think that Fro Pick is saving Oldie and it's doing all of us an injustice. I think it makes him the favorite to be doing this well while carrying so much dead weight.

Nicole said...

thank you for posting! i've been checking your blog everyday! i didn't see eliminations so i had to get my update!

i agree with most of what you said. i must add that i liked the slien number too but you're right on that the costume was heinous.

i thought unitard/broadway's choreographer was SO full of herself the way she was talking about her choreography -- and it wasn't even good. ew.

mia reminds me of kate gosselin -- she's lovin the spotlight and it's not doing her any good.

oldie makes me want to barf and i think i'll go watch the chain one again -- maybe i won't be so distracted worrying about the chain.

and lastly, you mentioned nappy tabs, but i've never heard of the hot tamale train either -- is that from a past season or am i seriously that out of it!?

hope you had fun in texas, show us some pics!

jenny said...

It was Eva's well placed tear. Come ON NOW!