Wednesday, July 15, 2009


This one’s for you. Thanks for the 5x8 taggie.

Things I'm looking forward to:
1. H-Pott, holla!
2. Utah vacation
3. Going on lots of bike rides
4. 2nd book in the Hunger Games trilogy coming out
5. K’s wedding
6. Brad being done with school & residency
7. Having babies someday
8. Owning a house

Things I did this weekend:
1. Went on a bike ride with the husband
2. Nachos at El Mezcal (Brad and I just can’t quit you
3. Made burgers
4. Cleaned the house
5. Watched H-Pott Un
6. Gave a talk on Families at church
7. Watch OC (we are almost done with season 3)
8. Took a long Sunday nap

Things I wish I could do:
1. Be a really great photographer
2. Be a really great painter
3. Be a really great dancer
4. Be a really great cook
5. Be a really great French speaker
6. Be a really great Broadway star
7. Be a really great scriptorian
8. Be a really great design whiz

Shows that I watch:
1. Oldies but goodies (Felicity, Arrested Development, Friends, VMars)
2. Reality TV (So Can Dance, AI, ANTM)
3. 30 Rock
4. The Office
5, 6,7,8. … I think I’ve shamed myself enough

Places I'd like to travel:
1. Greece
2. Australia
3. Italy
4. Southern France
5. Egypt & Israel
6. Ireland & Scotland
7. Prince Edward Island
8. Philippines (to see the places Brad talks about from his mission)

I tag The Alex, aka The Seestar.


Scott said...

new post pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee. i missed so can dance. again. i need an update! also, how did you guys like harry potter? are you in utah now? if you are i hope you're enjoying it! i wish we were there with you! and this is nicole -- you're probably used to me posting as scott though!

jenny said...

Yay! Can't WAIT to watch with you!!!