Saturday, January 7, 2012


I noticed a few years ago that I tend to listen to more male singers than female. I'm sure there's some scientific explanation but I'm too lazy to actually look it up. My 17 years of education is sad about that fact, but what can you do? Anyway, I digress. The point is lately I've noticed that the songs I've been loving are all female singers. I think it's just a nice time for the female singer/songwriter, they seem to be all over the place. So these are my latest favorites that top my current playlist - none of these are extremely new, but newish to me within the last six months. Enjoy!

Rachel Platten - 1,000 Ships

Kina Grannis - In Your Arms
(Dude - the video is amazing. The background was done entirely in jellybeans. That is some tedious work.)

Christina Perri - Arms

Ella Mae Bowen - Holding Out For Hero
(Yes this is from the new Footloose movie, don't judge. Some people love it some people think it's sacrilege, but I secretly thought the movie in general was kind of fun in an awesomely bad way.)

Mindy Gledhill - California
(Thanks to K for getting me hooked on this one while we were in - ta da - California.)

Plug In Stereo - Oh Darling
(This last one is cheating since it's actually a male/female duet, but it's the girl who makes the song)

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