Friday, July 29, 2011


You might have noticed that I didn't find a blog sitter to guest commentate on the past few weeks. Deal with it. But I'm back in action! Enjoy.

So Lady Gaga is a bit nuts, right? With that being fully acknowledged she was actually a decent judge. Aside from the crazy getup (what's so wrong with a nude lip and brown hair?) and the extra cahrazy shoes (that she almost killed Sasha with) she seemed genuine and thoughtful.

These are my overall thoughts on the evening:

- The other guest judge (a hollywoodite who's directed a bunch of musicals) was all about spreading the love. He spent most of his time praising Gaga, the audience, the choreographers, and occasionally the contenstants. I liked him, but it seemed like he was running for office.

- I'm sad that Jess left before Ricky. I didn't think I'd be sad to see Jess go, but as annoying as he is, you have to admit that he's awesome.

- I'm not, however, sad to see Stripper McGee go. It was her time. It was her time three weeks ago. I just didn't get her at all and I'm still not sure what charm the judges saw. There's one of them every season so I should just learn to accept these things. But I can't.

Here are the numbers in order of awesomeness:


I wasn't crying at the end of it like Gaga but this was my favorite of the night. Plus Alison is sooo good, right? Have I ever told you the story about how I saw her at Ernie's Sports Deli on State Street in Orem? That's pretty much the entire story. I didn't want to be one of the lame people bombarding her while she ate her turkey sub so I stood back all cool like I see "famous" people all the time in Orem. Anyway, Marko's mom was in the audience and she was a hoot. She came from Guam to see the show live and loved the spotlight almost as much as Mary loves to scream.


Have I ever mentioned how much I love Neil? Like, I think he's my favorite ever. He's a lot bulkier that he was on his season which I think makes him a touch less svelt but he's still awesome. And why don't they give him more screen time? He's hilarious. Anyway, who did he dance with? Oh that's right Melanie. Love her. She can do no wrong. Mandy the choreographer, on the other hand, CAN do wrong. Actually she does wrong every week by refusing to use decent music. Don't get me wrong I love me some Celine. But I just can't take her serious dancing when it's paired with overly cheesy tunage. Come on Mandy! Live in the now!


So this was good. Like really good. In fact I might have ranked this my favorite if Sonya hadn't already done this same choreography remixed 12 times already. But her style is so good I don't mind seeing it reimagined in every variation possible. It was dark and twisty and I loved it with two women. So cool. While we're on the Melanie subjust: I must point out though that Melanie has been the lucky recipient of the "best" choreography this season. She's pretty much done jazz or contemporary every week, right?


During Ivan's season he wasn't great at much other than hip hop, so it's good to see him come back this way. Remember when everyone though that Ivan and Allison who really in love, like in real life? And they were totally getting married? Yeah, that didn't happen. But it was good for ratings while it lasted. Yeah, this totally reminded me of stuff Allison and Ivan used to do which makes me nostaglic and makes me like it.


Lauren isn't my favorite winner ever. In fact I think last season of So Can Dance was my least favorite. But Tadd is just so cool. Pair that with some Freddie Mercury and all of sudden we've got ourselves a show!


So sue me. I loved this. Gaga can go fly a plane because it made me angry that she was dissin on Tabitha and Napoleon. This should totally be used in the musical, Zoolander!, if such a thing existed. And it should. And Ricky would totally be cast in that stage production.

TADD & VENEERS (still can't remember her name) - BALLROOM

This was all sorts of adorable. Loved the choreography, the music, the costumes. And the dancers delivered. It just all worked... and who wouldn't dance amazingly in that fun dress? My 5 year old self just got all envious of her twirly skirt. And how cute is that Tadd? I just want to carry him around in my purse.


Wow. Jess was actually pretty good at hip hop. That little braodway man can dayynce. And he wasn't making those ridiculous faces for the first time ever. Thank goodness. It only took him until his last week on the show to get it right. Dang.


I just realized their names rhyme. How adorable. I was a bit confused about the costume, but I thought this was cute and fun. But a bit forgetable. It was nice to see Sasha seem a feminine and not so angular and edgy. And it's ALWAYS good to see Pasha in any form.


Hasn't the "naughty" dancing been a bit overplayed this season for our Stripper friend here? When this was over I didn't remember a single second of it because all of ther "naughty" dancing just melds together.


This might not have been their fault, it was probably the choreography. But I don't care to think about it too much. This was their swan song, which is unfortunate because it wasn't that great. Zero chemistry. And that dress was terrible.


I thought they both looked pretty out of sync, and that awful lift in the middle? Oy vey.

TOP FOUR PREDICTION: Marko, Melanie, Sasha, Tadd. I think it's a toss up on the winner... but I'm guessing it'll be Melanie.

What are your thoughts? See you next week!

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