Monday, July 11, 2011


Finley LOOOOVES her new spot. It's an Ikea chair I bought years ago that sits next to our bed. Her favorite thing to do is have me pile it with pillows and then she pulls them all off and pulls herself on to the chair laughing the entire time. She then proceeds to stand on the arm rest and pull herself on to our bed. Which is so scary! We have our bed on risers so it pretty much comes up to my chin. The little chicken burrito is so fast and loves to climb everything. She doesn't walk more than a few steps at a time but somehow manages to scale herself onto anything and everything that she can. Needless to say, in addition to the bathroom, we now have to keep our bedroom door closed at all times. At least in the living room she can get herself on and off the couch safely. I really don't know how I'm going to keep up with her.

Yes, she is holding our remote. And yes she pretends to turn on the TV. A low point in parenting is when you realize your 1 year old copies something you swear you do rarely. Apparently we need to turn off the TV and talk to her more... she's still not saying much outside of her alien Finley language. Oh well.

PS. "Baby proofing" is total crap. That level of nirvana does not realistically exist. Babies get in to things and climb up things you would never imagine. You can never possibly stay ahead of the curve. For instance, what is the appeal of taking my spices and throwing them in the trash? That really doesn't seem that fun to me.

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