Monday, March 9, 2009


In a little town called Lazyville. Wow… just so I have something posted for March here is one of those annoying "25 Things" list I did on Facebook a few weeks ago.

I promise regular bloggin' will resume tomorrow.

1. I was legitimately scared of the dark until I was 15, and I still am a little bit.
2. I am obsessed with the annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
3. I know every word to Regulators by Nate Dogg and Warren G
4. I got into a car accident in the BYU parking lot with Aaron Francisco who now plays for the Arizona Cardinals (he was the guy that James Harrison punched in the 4th quarter of the Superbowl) - supposedly it was my fault even though he came SPEEDING around a blind corner
5. If “blog stalking” were a sport I would be an Olympic gold medalist.
6. I hate paying more than $25 for a pair of shoes but I’d be willing to spend eight times that on a cute coat.
7. I love Bob Newhart
8. I waited until I was almost 17 to get my drivers license because I was too scared.
9. I was once offered pot at a Dave Matthews concert and I am proud to say I declined.
10. I took a hip hop class at my gym in Utah for a year and I thought I got pretty good considering all I have going against me (no training, being white, and totally not flexible)
11. I am essentially blind in my left eye so 3D movies and magic eye pictures are totally lost on me; my right eye is near perfect and overcompensates enough that I can get by without wearing glasses
12. I have an unnatural love for McDonald’s chicken nuggets and their apple pies
13. I secretly really want to go to the Britney Spears concert this summer
14. I watch the movie Family Stone about once a week, which drives Brad crazy
15. I always got As in penmanship; in fourth grade I spent most of the year writing on the chalkboard for my teacher because she said I had better handwriting than her.
16. I collect post cards and old books, most recently 1960s children’s books
17. I figured out there was no Santa Clause when I was 6 but pretended to still believe until I was 8 because I didn’t want to disappoint my parents
18. I have continuously owned a pair of black converse all stars since I was in 6th grade (I wore black socks with them in middle school; but nowadays I prefer white or no socks at all).
19. I initiated the first kiss with Brad, but he said “I love you” first (ten months later)
20. I was a competitive swimmer from age 4 to 17 until I created a pros and cons list for my dad which convinced him to let me quit
21. I have an irrational fear of sharks, even in pools (this wasn’t on the pros/cons list)
22. I have watched the entire series of Felicity at least 10 times; subsequently I have a huge girl-crush on Keri Russell and I still hold a grudge against Jennifer Gardner
23. I only have a handful of close female friends because I find most females hard to get along with
24. I read magazines from the back cover to the front, a habit I unknowingly picked up from my mom
25. I bit my tongue completely off when I was 3 years old and I had to have it sewn back on by an oral surgeon (which is the profession Brad is currently pursuing)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

See, this is what facebook memes are for. I legitimately did not know like 1/3 of those (hint: britney spears concert was not one of them).

Also, the word verification on your blog right now is literally "penith". Can't make that stuff up. He was injured. Injured bad.