Monday, March 16, 2009


Because Brad and I are a young student family we haven't been affected by the economy as much as others, but I must say this Washington Post op-ed was spot on. This new wave of recession chic-ness was featured on NPR this morning and the entire portion of the show was amusing only in a "it's funny because it's true" kind of way. Why is it suddenly en vogue to save and why haven't we been doing it all along? Kelly Marages points out that it's this trend of cost-cutting among the upper class (when they don't need to) that is currently hurting the less inclined. This is my favorite line from her piece:

"The funny thing is, most of us know this. And the fact that this advice is so common-sensical points out that we're not all in this together. The ship may be going down, sure, but some of us are locked in steerage while others are floating away on the lifeboats. And the fact that those sailing away on the rafts are play-thrashing as if they're drowning, too, adds insult to the recession-inflicted injuries."

Read it here. Thoughts?

1 comment:

Scott said...

I like this. There's nothing more insulting/infuriating than someone who pretends to be suffering just to fit in with everyone else who actually is. Can you imagine never eating leftovers?! Again, this is Nicole. Apparently I don't know how to sign in to my own account!