Thursday, March 26, 2009


Yes, you. The one busy with errands, soccer practice, cooking, enrichment, laundry, and science fair projects. The one who mentally complains about doing so much, having no alone time, and feels little appreciation for her efforts. Just reflect and enjoy your current life. Take a moment to realize how good you’ve got it. Because you would never ever want to go back to your life of driving two crazy hours in down town St. Louis traffic to a lifeless cubicle under fluorescent lights. Think about it, you used to only see the sun on the weekends. You obviously need this little reminder to fully appreciate the 6:30AM to 6PM grind you once took part in. The time when your week consisted of drive, work, drive, cook, clean, gym, sleep.

You will be tempted to reminisce about those wonderful Saturdays where, after sleeping in, your biggest decision was “should we go adopt a dog or go for a hike?” But you must stop this, because Sunday to Friday is a long time, and those languid Saturdays were few among the more common ones where you cleaned the apartment and Brad studied his guts out. You will recall other lovely moments too, the ones you spent child-free watching American Idol or discussing fair tax with Brad. The moments where you could spontaneously run out for Mexican food at 10PM or spend two hours wandering around Barnes & Noble. Honestly, I’m glad you remember the good times, but also remember that once you spent a large portion of your life looking forward to NPR’s Fresh Air as the highlight of your day.

Enjoy your busy, undulating, exhausting home life. Think fondly of the past, but more importantly be grateful for the present, because hindsight isn’t 20/20, future sight is.


2009 Bridget

PS – I wish 2002 Bridget would have written me a letter to remind me that I used to work at the Marriott Center ticket office with 90 year old women and otherwise spent 50 hours weekly studying at the law library. Because instead I choose to remember the weekends spent at a cabin in Park City eating tacos and watching Moulin Rouge with my best friends.

DISCLAIMER: So as not to enrage anyone, this is meant to be humorous. I’m aware this post makes me sounds like a spoiled brat, and I know I actually have a cushy life, but incoherent blogging can not be stopped.


Ellie said...

No, no..working in a cubicle really does bite the big one. If one weren't careful, one would think you were preggers..haha.

ashley said...

Awww, tacos and Moulin Rouge! Those were good times. I totally needed this letter for myself right now. We're in Texas and sleeping about 4 hours a night with Parker in bed with us. I'm definitely forgetting how wonderful it is to be a mom. So thanks! Hang in there, this crummy job won't last forever. Love you!

Matt and Amber said...

I seriously look forward to your blogs Bridget! I keep telling myself that the grind will end one of these days too. When Matt gets done with school it will be the day! We've actually been talking about hanging out at Barnes and Noble for the last couple of weeks but I think screaming babies are frowned upon in places like that :)