Friday, March 13, 2009


(image from

While watching Lost last week Brad and I discussed the extreme amount of babies born on the show. Aaron? Clementine? Who can keep them all straight? The answer: New York Magazine. Right now they have a comprehensive guide slideshow of all those many mysterious infants, minus the new one Dessler just gave birth to.

If you need something extra exciting to do this weekend go peruse. I rather enjoyed the refresher, click here.

PS – If you aren’t a Lost nerd, you really should be one.

PPS - You get extra credit AND a gold star if you know who Dessler is.


Scott said...

ok ok ok i cannot think of why it's dessler but i do know who had a baby on the last show... i just completely blanked on their names! i need to see the next episode! this 2 week break is killing me! this is nicole btw...

Kristin said...

Um, michelle dessler, former flame of tony almeida. Come on people. I couldn't get past how she made the move from ctu to dharma

ashley said...

See, I had already forgotten who Clementine was...that article was awesome. Good find.

David and Jana said...

Your blog is totally cute! And so are you and Brad. It is so wonderful to see a happy couple! Thanks for your comment! I was a LOST fan before we moved here. Now we don't have any working TV channels, so I haven't seen it in forever! Someday I'll catch up!