Monday, January 12, 2009

Indiana vacation to visit my brother

Cassidy, Michael, Iain, and Ryan were kind enough to let my mom, my sista, Brad, and I visit for New Years. We had an excellent time.

The whole gang
The girls went scrap booking one night and left the boys to fend for themselves.

So adorable. Iain has a hard time saying chocolate milk so it always comes out f-ing milk (but the actual word). I don't know how he manages it, but he says it every time. Brad and I were even warned that he says it but we couldn't stop laughing whenever he sweetly asked for his favorite drink. It definately ups the urgency of his need for milk, instead of getting him chocolate milk you think he just wants milk IMMEDIATELY.

Brad crushing Alex's will to live.

Iain concentrating really hard to knock out his dad on Wii boxing. AND Brad looking crazy with that glorious hat hair.
F-ing milk.
Ryan always smiles, I tried to toughen him up Rocky-style but he's just too cute.\

You have no idea how many pictures we took to get this one.

Grandma and Iain. He started calling her Ma-maw and she was having none of it.

Oh, and Alex and I became celebrities. AKA we went to Target and acted like we were important.


Nicole said...

Isn't ma-maw what they say for grandma in the south? everyone said it in west virgina and i was always so confused!

Ellie said...

Did you lighten your hair Bridget?

Kristin said...

Fun!! Chronologically, where does that solo picture of you and Brad fit? Is it just the lighting or is your hair a little reddish-brownish? If it's just lighting, you should consider it, it looks fabulous.

ashley said...

You're looking very sultry in that picture of you and Brad. I love it, you look hot. Those boys are too cute!!

jenny said...

I am loving your hair btw. And f-ing milk is the equivalent of Ryan's "bridge" which is the b-word. "BUILD A BIG B*$#@, JEN!" Never gets old.