Friday, January 16, 2009


Okay, I am not a winter-hater but I am not down with -17 degree weather either. They’ve actually canceled the schools here for the last few days. I don’t know of any offices that have closed so I braved the cold and went to work as usual. My philosophy is that if it’s gonna be this stinkin cold there better be some freakin snow to make the earth more beautiful. Instead we are forced to live in a barren waste land of ugly deadness. Lovely. Well to get myself through this bleak midwinter I have a few recent obsessions:

1. Dr. Horrible’s sing-a-long blog. I realize this is about a year old but it’s so funny! And as you all know I’m a sucker for musicals, especially ones featuring Barney (the womanizer, not the dinosaur).



= crazy delicious.

3. To Kill A Mocking Bird: I mentioned recently that I had never read it. I’m only about 50 pages in but that Harper Lee is surprisingly witty, especially since I pretty much know where the story is going. So far, really enjoying it. That Scout is a firecracker.

4. The aforementioned Adele album. What are you waiting for? Go download it!

5. Biggest Loser. Again, I know I’m behind the times but this show is awesome. I’ve watched it off and on since it’s inception but I’ve never been a loyal viewer. Brad and I have recently started loving this show. It’s arguably the most wholesome and uplifting thing on primetime tv. What else could you possible watch that inspires you to simultaneously want to call your parents, run 5 miles, eat celery, never give up on your dreams, and feel guilty for all the “your mom” jokes you’ve ever made that referenced weight. Has an episode ever passed that I didn’t both cry and laugh? No, because my soul isn’t black.

6. Etsy. Is there a word stronger than obsessed? Well, whatever that word is that’s how I feel towards Etsy. Spend 20 minutes on that site and try not reaching for your wallet. It’s impossible.

7. I love you more than ________. This blog is so adorable, and often hilarious. My submission hasn’t been posted yet, but these are my favorites so far:

8. New camera. Brad surprised me for Christmas. We splurged. Big time. Like eating ramen for a month big time. But it will be worth it. It’s already inspired us to go to the St. Louis Art Museum so we can practice all the settings and have subjects different than Brad sitting at the computer.

9. Did I mention that the art museum is awesome and free? Oh, and on Friday nights it’s open until 9PM and all the special galleries are free. Sometime St. Louis is pleasantly surprising. So St. Louis, you made the list. Barely. Not your weather, just you.


ashley said...

Ooh, fun new camera! I think I'm going to take a photography class and maybe then I can convince Sam to get me a new fancy one too! I also LOVE Etsy. I think everyone who sells stuff on there is genius. Such cute things.

jenny said...

"want to call your parents, run 5 miles, eat celery, never give up on your dreams, and feel guilty for all the “your mom” jokes you’ve ever made that referenced weight"

YOU ARE HILARIOUS B. I love this blog. Your camera is amazing. Jealous cannot describe. And I am sorry I blogged about 3 degrees when you are in the negatives. I have no soul.

Tod said...

I don't want to spend more than 20 seconds on Etsy.

Matt and Amber said...

Bridget I LOVE your blogs! So entertaining. Hope you guys are doing great!

Ellie said...

I have just recently gotten hooked on 'the biggest loser'. Three words for you: Can't Stand Joelle!

Scott said...

I might love Guitar Hero streaks more. ::shifty eyes::