Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dr. [fill in funny name here]

I work in a part of the medical field that forces me to interact with a variety doctors on a daily basis. The company I work for also has a database of all the doctors we deal with across the country. Since I started working here I began writing down any unusual names I came across just to mix things up. Some of these names might not seem out of the ordinary but once you start imagining one of them greeting you before a pelvic exam, colonoscopy, major surgery, or just answering their work phone you can’t help but revert back to being 10 years old and snicker just a little.
I promise these were not made up:

- Dr. Payne
- Dr. Love
- Dr. Evilsizor
- Dr. Crook
- Dr. Goode
- Dr. Doody
- Dr. Smart (in our database: 10 women, 3 men)
- Dr. Weiner (in our database: 11 men, 4 women)
- Dr. Kiss
- Dr. Hait
- Dr. Develle
- Dr. Butt
- Dr. Doolittle
- Dr. Strange
- Dr. Power
- Dr. Sinner
- Dr. Pepper
- Dr. Happe
- Dr. Killam
- Dr. Deadman
- Dr. Moron
- Dr. Hell
- Dr. Doctor
[Why the picture of George Clooney, you ask? Well, when else am I going to do a post that gives me an excuse to use a picture of George in scrubs? Exactly.]


jenny said...

Okay B, Dr. Deadman and Dr. Butt ARE TOTALLY FAKE.

It's like the 'Am I Smiling' game. You should have inserted ones that were made up and made us guess which one you made up. I would have guessed Deadman and Butt. BECAUSE THEY ARE FALSE.

"Hi I'm Dr. Deadman. I'll be performing your triple bipass today."

jenny said...


ashley said...

Did you know Dr. Clooney is going to be in ER again this season? Sweeet.