Thursday, August 11, 2011


Well. Not really. We all saw it coming, right? Not like the time Russell won. That still irks me, it was so rigged. I would choose to totally forget that season if it weren't for Jakob. Oh and my claim to So Can Dance fame, my BFF Ashleigh (reminder: she lived on my hall freshman year at BYU, we are in fact NOT BFF, but she was a lovely lovely person). Anyway - we are here to talk about Melanie. A totally deserving candidate. I like it when the people the producers chose to not shove in your face during auditions (cough-Sasha-cough) stand out and do well. Melanie is awesome and takes a compliment better than any contestant ever on this show. Even if she had a huge ego, you'd never know. I still think she needs to grow out the chia head just a wee bit (dang! that should have been her nickname all along, it was so obvious!).

Let's not talk about Tuesday's episode though. I'm so glad I didn't have to review it, it was terrible. Like the worst of the season, right? Except for the Madmen dance everything else was pretty awful. That was supposed to be the finale? Yikes.

And as per the usual the judges weirdly forgot a few of the best routine from the season:


So another season comes to a close and I have to say it went by way way too fast. I like the changes they made this year, having top 20 couples and all stars really works the best. And surprisingly I enjoyed most of the guest judges (minus: Katie Holmes and Carmen Electra).

Here's to hoping Mia and Shankman are back next season, choreographing and judging respectively.

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