Sunday, August 21, 2011


Leave it to Brad to try and make his food LOOK gourmet at all times. What a nerd.

This is an example of the mayhem. 34 people in one cabin was quite a lot. We didn't even have room for chairs (notice them stacked up in the corner?). But it was worth it to stay in the family cabin because we honestly had the best view in the place.

One of the days they had a family fun day with a ton of game stations all over the field. This is where the competitive Carn gene came out to play. Seriously, it was out of control.

At one station we had to gather water with cups from this fire hydrant thing spewing water that was presumably pure mountain runoff because it was the coldest thing I've ever experienced. But we were determined to lose limbs if it meant filling our bucket up the most. I told you this was serious business folks.

Carson as Atlas Shrugged.

Should I even admit that at a few stations we let the kids do a fun "practice round" before the adults stepped in and performed the one that counted? Oh the shame.

This is the adults performing the relay that "counted."

In this picture you can kind of see how amazing our view was. We were up on a hill above the camp with an awesome panorama of the mountains.

Morgan and Cassidy hugging it out.

Here is the only family picture we got from the entire 3 weeks we were in Utah, and I don't even like it that much. Oh well. Doesn't it look like those mountains are fake? Yeah, that's how gorgeous it was, so amazing that it looks made up.

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