Thursday, December 9, 2010


Brad came up a few days later by way of bus and train and we met in Naperville. We had a relaxing week with family and we even got to spend an evening with all of Brad's high school friends where Finley was a hit. One of the best things we got to do was volunteer at the Bishop's storehouse on Thanksgiving packing up food orders for those in need.

Diane was in charge of cooking, so of course it was delicious. The mountains of rolls didn't last 24 hours! We had about 20 people for dinner and believe me we stuffed ourselves.

Brad's go-to expression. I'm not sure why... I think it has something to do with highlighting the eyebrows.

Remember this dog last Christmas? He used to be so tiny! He's still a little guy but definitely bigger. He's used to six kids running around but I guess 15 wore him out.

Jonah is the baby whisperer. I swear! Brad's family (it was a team effort) watched Finley while we went to see Harry Potter and she took a nap while Jonah held her for more than an hour. Jonah, do you want to come stay with us for a few weeks?

We had lot of fun and can't wait until Christmas. Since I'm no longer working we'll be able to take a nice long vacation to Naperville for two weeks during Brad's winter break. We are excited for lots of Portillos! Oh and EVERY member of the Carn's will be in town - all 35 of us! Mayhem. It's the most wonderful time of the year.

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