Monday, December 13, 2010


Our chubby bunny is six months old. It's hard to imagine a time before she was a part of our family and I've recently found myself thinking, "what did I do with all that free time I had before?" But I honestly don't think it in a negative way because I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything. Yes it's a huge lifestyle change, but the good far out weighs the bad. We went in for her six months checkup and here are her current stats:

50th percentile for weight: 15 lbs., 12 oz. (more than doubled her weight since birth)
75th percentile for height: 26 1/4 inches (grown 6 1/4 inches since birth)

Our pediatrician said she is "perfect" and is growing at a great pace, very proportionately. She did move from the 50th to the 75th percentile in head size! We knew it was just a matter of time before that big noggin kicked in, luckily her hair is starting to come in a bit more!

As for her new tricks - she's rolling all over the place and doing this crazy back bend thing. I can no longer leave the room and expect her to be in the same place when I come back. Which is a sad stage to leave behind. She's even started pushing up on her hands and flailing her feet which propels her a few inches here and there, we are really not ready for a crawling baby! She also found her feet. In fact the other day in the car I looked back at her in the car seat and she was holding both feet straight in the air and just smiling out the window. Happy as a clam.

She sleeps slightly better at night then she did a month ago. Her (own) bedtime for a while there was about 12:30 and I've pushed it back to about 11. Which still entails a few waking episodes throughout the night but fortunately it's easy to get her back to sleep again. Our pediatrician told us to cut out night feedings which turned out to be harder on me than Finley. I assumed she was waking up because she was hungry, but I think I was just using it as a crutch to get her back to sleep. We went cold turkey about three nights ago and haven't looked back. Turns out Finley hasn't died of starvation as I feared. None of her sleeplessness has been helped by the fact that she got her first tooth right before Thanksgiving. And her next tooth is just below the surface - hopefully on it's way to full eruption in the next few days.

The trade off for hard nights is that she is one happy baby during the day. Most often she still smiles at everyone she sees but now she laughs a lot more. In fact now she is more ticklish. Even if you just make the sound and gesture that you are going to tickle her she starts to giggle. Brad is also enjoying the fact that he can toss her in the air now that she is getting tougher. And boy does she enjoy playing with dad. Sometimes she'll even cry when he leaves the room (never happens when I leave the by the way). I think we have a daddy's girl on our hands - Brad melts every time.

And the last big milestone she hit this month is starting on baby food. She has done well with butternut squash but peas and green beans have been a little less appealing (I don't blame her). So far she hasn't outright rejected anything but she was literally grabbing the spoon herself to get the squash into her mouth faster.

Finley also met snow for the first time today - we only went outside for a few minutes because we are all getting over some nasty colds. And below freezing is no place for a little burrito. Her "bear suit" is a size too big so it makes her arms and legs look extra long and extra adorable. But she didn't seem to mind the cold. Pretty good coming from our June baby.


Nicole said...

she is so darling! i love that snow suit! i can't believe how much free time we had, and we thought we were busy! i guess the biggest difference for me is that you could do what you needed to when you wanted... that doesn't happen anymore. oh and did you just let her cry to get rid of the night feedings? that's what we did with bailey and it only took one night! so worth it!

David and Jana said...

She is adorable and you and Brad are such good parents. What a lucky little girl. Good job on sleeping through the night! We call it Baby Boot camp. And it is so worth it! How fun to have a new tooth! Such a big step and something to talk about! Mary is just starting to prefer David over me, and I wish she had done it sooner! You're lucky!

jenny said...

UGHHH Fin is so cute. It kills me that I haven't met her yet!!!! Bridget she is the most beautiful bebe!