Finley has hijacked this blog. Apologies. Seriously though... look at those cheekies! I just can't say no to her pleading that I post more and more pictures of her. The nagging wears me out and I have no choice. Man! She's so vain.
She is officially three months old now. And even though I constantly get comments that she looks so tiny for her age, she is actually at the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for length. I guess it's as one woman put it - she has tiny features. Um, yeah. She's a baby, of course she has tiny features. This is the look both Finley and I gave her when she said that.
She is officially three months old now. And even though I constantly get comments that she looks so tiny for her age, she is actually at the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for length. I guess it's as one woman put it - she has tiny features. Um, yeah. She's a baby, of course she has tiny features. This is the look both Finley and I gave her when she said that.
She can now hold her head up like a champ although she still manages to headbutt me at least once a day.
I don't know how aware she is of her hands, but when they manage to connect with her mouth she usually prefers sucking on them to her pacifier. Not our favorite.
And I saved the best update for last, she slept 8 hours last night for the first time - beating her old record by an hour. Of course once we got to hour 6 I was up checking on her every 15 minutes to make sure she was still breathing. So that elusive full night of sleep is still out there.
She is looking so different already. Why do they grow up so fast? And by the way...can you send her here and have her teach Logan how to sleep? The sleep deprivation around here is getting a little old :)
she is so cute! i am not looking forward to no sleep! although i am totally with you on the getting up every 15 minutes... i still do that with bailey if she's been asleep longer than normal (but that's a lot longer than 7 hours)!
and this is nicole -- too lazy to sign out and back in as myself
I am SO sad I didn't get to meet her. She is so stinking adorable. Love love love the pictures
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