Friday, September 3, 2010


Do you guys watch How I Met Your Mother? It's slightly irreverent, a la Friends, but Brad and I love it. Great characters and even greater one liners. It's one of those shows that is slightly under the radar but they seem to enjoy that in a humble "we do our own thing" kind of a way. Plus a lot of the female wardrobe comes from Anthro so it's always nice to see what's in style since I feel perpetually out of the loop in that department.

Come to think of it - I think I've already blogged about how much I like this show. Oh well - there's only so much to talk about.

Anyway, what brought this on is this hilarious quote from one of the main characters Barney. Please enjoy his words of wisdom:

PS. Does anyone watch Castle? Brad and I watched the first two season a few weeks ago and we are totally sold. I thought I disliked the female lead on that show but it turns out I don't.

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