Tuesday, April 28, 2009


When I was younger I thought that when I turned 26th on the 26th day of April it would be THE BEST DAY EVER. It was going to be this incredible apex that would stop time with its awesomeness - I could not wait. So the day finally arrived yesterday and at my imaginary (and extra materialistic) birthday party I received the following gifts:

CHICAGO PRINT (although THIS ONE is kind of awesome)



(Had I imagined these gifts when I was 8 the list would read more like: a trampoline, Braves puffy Starter jacket, Lisa Frank stickers, and a pet dolphin.)

Well, time didn't stop and the above gifts were not actually given, but that does not negate the awesomeness that was my actual real birthday where husband took me out for a lovely meal, a trip to Barnes and Noble and then home for Bostom Cream Pie. I also received some pretty fantastic real gifts. It was a good day.

The huge tapered candles were the only ones on hand. Thank you to everyone for the goodies and the kind birthday wishes. My imaginary birthday party would have also included all of you.


jenny said...

Your bangs are FAB. Those presents would be amazing. Seriously, back to your bangs. I feel like you should apologize to yourself for not doing it sooner. THEY LOOK AMAZING. I miss you B! Hope your birthday was perfect!

Kristin said...

Jenny stole my bangs comment right out from under me. It was going to go something like this:


Ellie said...

Hope you had a fantastical birthday! And I would have been really, really mad if you got a plane ticket to Paris (ok, not mad, just really jealous). Ditto on the bangs. Be expected a belated card...if I can dig up your address!

Scott said...

Don't let Brad around those candles, he'll put his eyes out. Happy Birthday from the 3 of us.

Nicole said...

happy birthday! i wish we could have celebrated it with you! sorry about the belatedness -- moving doesn't allow for continued access to a computer. also, i have to chime in that i love the bangs!