Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm no politico

I think I've said before that my two best friends and room mates at BYU were Political Science majors. Well not much of that political-ness rubbed off on me because I am seriously un-interested in all things political. Now ask me what movie won an Oscar for best picture in 1994 and I can tell you Shawshank Redemption. However, this presidential race has been different. I probably won’t be using this forum to discuss politics, because I’m pretty sure the two people that read this blog aren’t coming here to become more informed on foreign policy. I will, however, say three things about last night’s debate.

First of all, they both admitted that the VP pretty much does nothing so why do we even have a VP debate to begin with? Or a VP for that matter?

Secondly, one of the radio stations here in St. Louis calls Joe Biden “America’s Drunk Uncle”. For the last week they’ve been playing all these sound bites of ridiculous things Biden has said that the media completely ignores. Watching him last night and thinking of him as the crazy drunk uncle made for high comedy, especially when he kept grinning like he was getting a glamour shot taken.

Thirdly, does it bother anyone else that Palin keeps calling the average American “Joe six pack” and “hockey mom”. Seriously? Even if that is some how true, please don’t admit it. I think Europe can hear you and they are laughing. Embarrassing. Also, does anyone think that Tina Fey looks more like Sara Palin then Sara Palin looks like Sara Palin? Just saying.

Overall, both did an okay job. Brad and I both agree Palin did better than expected and Biden did what was expected. So who will soon be a “heartbeat” away from the highest office in the land? A golly-gee republican or a stuffy old democrat. Hmmm. No thanks.

I promise the next post will include more pictures from the daily happenings of the carn family :) It's been a while.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

YES. Yes, yes, yes to the tina fey/sarah palin comparison. I just laughed out loud.

And I hate those trite descriptions of the everyday American. It's called a cliche for a reason. And you can appeal to the people without making us seem like idiots.