Monday, September 29, 2008

just a small request.

I’m sorry. Is there anything more uncomfortable then the bathroom small talk? You know, you’re both standing at your skink with a huge mirror in front of you and the person next to you starts to chat about something totally inane, “I tell you what, this water is lava hot.” What am I supposed to say to that beside, “Yep.”? Is it unreasonable to ask for the entire bathroom experience to be completed in peace? It’s already enough to ask me to share a bathroom with 85 co-workers I don’t know.



Ellie said...

Does your bathroom at least have music going or a fan?? There is nothing more uncomfortable than hearing other people's 'business' coming out not so quietly...and then standing next to them at the sink.

Nicole said...

Amen. I hate the small talk too! Hello I am NOT in the bathroom to mingle nor do I want to stay in there any longer than usual! I also hate when two people that know each other have a conversation while each is in a separate stall doing thier thing. Can't it wait????

jenny said...

I seriously hate the small talk. It is AWFUL. Also, thanks for your AWESOME suggestions. I love the Michael Scott Mug idea. AMAZING. I need to figure out how to do it. I'll probably put it off too long and just dress up as Kristi or something.

Kristin said...

The worst. I have been known to pretend I was going somewhere else if I realize I'm hitting the bathroom at the same time as a co-worker.