Wednesday, October 22, 2008

You’ve never seen Tommy Boy!?”

When I was a freshman at BYU my roommates and I were at a football game. During one of the slower portions of the game Kristin randomly quoted Tommy Boy. I wish I could still remember which quote she used but when she said it our group and several people around us laughed. Ashley, however, didn’t catch the reference until we told her what movie it came from, to which she replied “Oh, I’ve actually never seen Tommy Boy.” At this remark our group and several rows around us, and now that I think about it probably the entire stadium, turned to her and said “You’ve never seen Tommy Boy!?” This of course was a travesty to which she was quickly indoctrinated before the week was out. Since then the phrase “You’ve never seen Tommy Boy!?” has been used to refer to anyone having lacked the quintessential and, let’s face it, vital experiences that are required of a human being. Well I tell you this story because the other day I told Brad I had never read 1984 (Shock! Dismay! Outrage!) and even worse I had never read To Kill A Mockingbird (“You’ve never seen Tommy Boy!?”). So my shameful secret is out and the next few weeks will be spent becoming a little more familiar with two of the supposed greatest novels of all time. We'll see how it goes.

PS - What is today's equivalent of Tommy Boy? Would someone now say "You've never seen High School Musical?!" I think this involves further investigation, but I'm afraid I'll discover I'm not as hip as I thought and will realize how old I've become.


Nicole said...

No it must never be High School Musical! If being hip means watching that then we're in trouble culturally! Tommy Boy is so much more subtle and refined :)

Kristin said...

I think it's still Tommy Boy.

I've never read 1984 either. Shame! I have it though. Maybe I should read it with you :)

I totally judge you about To Kill a Mockingbird, though.

Tod said...

Comparing High School Musical to Tommy Boy is sacrilege. Only girls like high school musical (and maybe some boys with questionable sexual orientation).

ashley said...

It was some quote about Richard I think. I also have not read 1984, maybe all three of us should read it together :)

PS-I can't remember if I've actually read To Kill a Mockingbird or just seen the movie. I think it might be both though. Hmmmm

Kjell Crowe said...

i've still never seen Tommy Boy