Saturday, August 2, 2008

we have arrived!

We arrived very late Thursday night and have spent the last few days recovering. It's been hectic and busy to say the least, and we can't express how grateful we are to everyone that helped out! Between Brad's parents, my mom, Angie and Chris Carn, and Kristin we never would have made it here.

We moved in to our apartment (the landlord does not have the same standards of cleanliness as I do, so even though I spent 100+ hours scouring our Provo apartment it looks like I'll be doing the same here). It's a great apartment with plenty of room. We will never have enough furniture to fill it (or rather we'll never be able to afford enough furniture to fill it). We made our first big purchase- the ever important bed. With no central air we are currently sleeping in our living room, which is where the AC unit is. Since we don't know anyone and won't have any visitors for quite some time it's not really a problem :)

We don't have cable or internet. Which means that the bloggin will be very sporadic for the time being (sorry Chris you'll actually have to work, haha). We found a Panera Bread that has Wi-Fi so that will be blog central for the immediate future. I'm sure I will have loads of funny stories to tell about our new town.

PS - I would spend all day crying if it weren't for Lori (our GPS, gifted from Chris and Angie). Thanks a million!


Chris and Angie Carn said...

YOUR BACK!!! Good to hear the GPS is working. Sounds like you guys have lots of work to do in the next few weeks. Keep posting.

Scott said...

Oh Bridget, you'll be having visitors soon enough. As a matter of fact we'll be there in 12 days so brace yourself for the Gale storm! :-D Glad you made it safe and sound.

jenny said...

Awwww I miss you guys already!!!!! Come back!!!!

ashley said...

So glad you made it safely! I've been thinking about you. Drop me a line when you're settled. I want to hear all about your place!