Monday, July 21, 2008


While 98% of the United States saw Batman over the weekend, I saw Mamma Mia twice (Brad didn't go either time, I don't think he wanted to see James Bond singing Abba songs). Due to scheduling conflicts I saw it the first time with Kristin at midnight on Thursday. At first we were really embarrassed, but it turned out to be really fun. The crowd was very vocal and laughed and clapped the entire way through the movie. Highly enjoyable. The second time was with my mom and some extended female family. The crowd was less impressed, but I still had a good time. All in all, I thought the movie was great. The right amount of kitsch and energy. The actors didn't take themselves too seriously, which made the movie surprisingly funny. Meryl Streep is my new hero.

If you plan on going here are a few tips:

- Look away when Pierce Brosnan sings (he doesn't have a terrible voice, he just isn't a great actor whilst singing)

- Stay until the credits really start to roll, the last five minutes are pure gold (it makes me love Colin Firth all that much more, if that was even possible)

- Go with people that love musicals and/or Abba (the man grumbling behind me during my second viewing sure didn't enhance the moving going experience)

PS- I have lots of catching up to do from the last few weeks. More blog posts coming soon, I promise!


Chris and Angie Carn said...

I wont go see this movie. I wish you would have invited Angie so I dont get the guilt trip for not going.

Kristin said...

i totally caved and bought the soundtrack. now i can here pierce belt 'wheeeeen you're gone' any time i want

Kristen Miner said...

Ha, funny story. My computer at home must have a cookie stuck from your 'Hike the Y' post. Because according to my computer (on a friend's now) you have not posted anything since that hike. And now I look and lots has been happening! I am so sorry to have missed your good-bye lunch on Wednesday. I really wanted to see you off and the rest of the gang. Gavin is still trying to master the sleep thing and did not do so hot that night. However, since I grabbed so many of the extra GKAS shirts for the pregnancy (which I now use to feed) I think of you almost everyday! Hope the move goes well and you get happy & settled soon. And I will have to delete my cookies when I get home to make sure I continue to get the updates of the Bradget clan!

jenny said...

BRIDGEY! I saw this and thought of you. It's AM I SMILING?!?!!? I got 17 out of 20. It's so fun. Let me know how you do.

Matt and Amber said...

Hey guys! at least if we can never make it together in real life we can still stay in touch online. Have a safe drive!!!