Wednesday, August 27, 2008

house has ruined me

After watching the first three seasons of House in less than a week I am now officially a hypochondriac. I think I either have sarcoidosis, lupus, or possibly some insect living in blood stream. Thanks House, I am now the most paranoid person on the planet.


Kristin said...

dude! That show did the same thing to me. Isn't it the best?I love Wilson. And cuddy. Now you just need to watch veronica mars and I'll be happy. I miss you

Ellie said...

I'm always disappointed when it doesn't end up being Lupus, I feel like Lupus is getting the shaft. Have you watched the most recent season? The last 2 episodes blew me away.

jenny said...

BRIDGET. That is why I stopped watching! Because I would get a symptom of something and then I'd be like I SAW THAT ON HOUSE! I'M DYING. I totally get you man.

Also, Kristin is right. VM is AMAZING. Just suck it up and trust us. If you can give those sucky vampire books (pun intended) then you can give veronica and neptune california a chance too.