Tuesday, August 19, 2008

our first visitors

Our good friends Scott and Nicole came to visit over the weekend. Even though we know little about Alton and even less about St. Louis we still had a great time. We made some thrilling trips to Lowe’s, Target, and Panera. We did go to Fast Eddie's, a local bar that is famous for its 99 cent ½ pound burgers. It was pretty funny to see Nicole at seven months pregnant order a water from a bar waitress. We also fried some food, played poker and watched a movie. It almost felt like we were still in Provo. Almost. It was great to have them here and probably the last time we'll see them until they become proud parents in October. Hanging out with them is one the many things we miss from Utah.

We forgot to take pictures all weekend so these were taken right before we left for church and Nicole and Scott left for Nauvoo. Brad thought he looked weird in the first one, so he made us take a second. I told him I'd post both pictures less we feed his vanity :)


Matt and Amber said...

hey guys! Wish it was us coming to visit! Maybe someday! i hope things are going great for ya and that you're starting to get settled. TTYL

Ellie said...

Yes, yes, you do look weird in the first one Brad