Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Reagan is technically over 5 weeks old now, but I'm almost done with catch up! So far she is a great baby and we couldn't imagine our family without her.

* She has started smiling. It's mostly on accident - but just today she smiled right at me after she was done eating.
* She is still super mellow - and sometimes just hangs out on her own looking at the world around her. Not something Finley ever did.
* She is full of constant burps when she eats.Which unfortunately makes her a not-so-great eater. Half the time it feels like I'm teaching her to eat for the first time.

* She takes abuse from Finley fairly well, but honestly Finley is actually very sweet with her. The problem usually occurs when she blocks her breathing while attempting to hug her.
* She LOVES bath time. Usually she just chills in the water and watches herself in the mirror.
* She HATES her car seat. As in screams bloody murder the entire time. The only thing that calms her down is high speeds with Mumford and Sons cranked up. No joke.

* She is a big grunter. At night she doesn't usually cry when she's hungry - she'll wake me up by grunting to tell me she wants to eat.
*She is a fantastic sleeper. I don't want to jinx it but it has been so nice to still get decent sleep at night. We are talking 5-6 hours uninterrupted every night! I know, I'm very spoiled.

* She is still at the very sleepy stage, but is just starting to be awake more during the day. Which means she likes to be held a whole lot more than before. I'm okay as long as I have either my Moby wrap or Baby Bjorn carrier available. Both are huge lifesavers right now!
* As for who she prefers holding her - it seems to be the mama. Finally! A child that prefers me! Crossing my fingers it stays that way.
* Her eyes are still a dark blue/grey.
* She is already loosing her hair on top. Receding hairline o-rama!

* She is just starting to outgrow her newborn clothes! Sad! I begrudgingly started washing the tub of 0-3 month clothes yesterday. Time is already going by way too fast. Some of the items I pulled out feel like that were worn by Finley just a few months ago - but I have remind myself it was almost two years ago. HOLY MOLY.


Nicole said...

She's so cute! I can't believe she's already 5 weeks! How was the? How is alabama? Your house looks cute!

Brooke said...

Lauren HATED the carseat too! Lol, we walked everywhere we could just to not have to put her in the carseat. We moved her to the convertible one at 4 months and it was like magic, she loved it...maybe Reagan will be the same?