Thursday, July 12, 2012


* Every night when we go into her room at bedtime she yells, "Stars!" Which means she wants us to turn on her turtle nightlight. As if we would forget.
* This is embarrassing to admit but right now she is sleeping on her crib mattress on the floor. We actually have a queen size bed for her but we don't have the safety railings yet so we haven't moved her into that room. We also figured it wouldn't hurt to wait a few extra weeks since she has had her world rocked these last few months.
* She loves ice cream, pizza, avocados, cheese, fruit snacks, eggs, and stealing my Diet Coke. Such a thief!

* She likes to dress up like a "Pree-cess" and she currently spends most of her days in just a tu-tu. Also, any woman dressed nicely in her book is a princess. I hope she keeps that definition for a while.
* She still loves Elmo, Curious George, and Woody - but since her world has expanded to princesses she also loves Tangled and Enchanted.

* She has the most animated face of any two year old I've ever known. We get comments all the time that she is quite expressive, especially when she does her very dramatic surprise face and sad face.

* "Sheepy" are goldfish crackers or any fish for that matter. Probably one of my most favorite words she gets wrong. I'm ashamed to admit I've started calling them sheepy too, she'll probably still be calling them sheepy when she's in highschool. Oops.
* She has started trying to getting into my makeup. Her favorite is putting on chapstick and blush.
* She likes to help me cook - and the other day learned the true meaning of a hot pan. I turned my head to put a dish in the sink and she reached over from her stool and put her hand flat on the bottom of a pan I was heating up. Luckily, she didn't get hurt since the pan wasn't fully heated up yet. But both of us learned a lesson that day. Now her cooking stool is placed a few inches further away and any time we're near the stove she says "HOT!"

* Bubbles are far and away her favorite thing. Her favorite song is "Bubbles" by Monkey Monkey Music.
* Her other favorite songs are: Twinkle Twinkle, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Call Me Maybe, and The Big Bang Theory's theme song.

* In our new house she has her own playroom upstairs and has slowly started playing on her own. It's weird to let he be in there totally on her own and know that she's okay. It usually only lasts for 20 minutes max, but that's a good 20 minutes that I can feed Reagan and not have Finley simultaneously climbing on my head.

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