Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Our little Stinky Cheese has turned 11 months. And since I'm a little late on this post she's only a few weeks away from her first birthday. As I'm creating this post Finley is eating a snack on her own while watching The Care Bears Movie. What?! When did she become so self sufficient? I'm feeling so unneeded! Actually I'm enjoying this last bit of time before she can walk because pretty soon she'll be running away from me and refusing to wear the clothes I've picked out for her. Oh the drama. Indeed there will be drama. She has already mastered the fake laugh and the fake cry. Which she employs all day long intermittently.

These days she's a standing machine! With and without support. Everyday she gets more brave and tries new things. This morning she stood up in the middle of the room and started clapping because that's what we do when she stands up. She was so proud! She hasn't made any attempts at walking but that's fine with me. Once she starts to walk I feel like I'll be forced to call her a toddler instead of a baby. Let's not talk about it - I'm already emotional over the fact that I have to start putting away the "baby" toys because she hasn't played with them in months. I read this book recently that made fun of people who seemed so surprised by the fact that their children grow. As if we weren't forewarned or something. The real surprise would be if they didn't grow. Still, the growing just hits you in the face sometimes. Like when I used to think that it would be forever before she would need to wear shoes. Or when she eats an entire Ritz cracker without killing herself and I realize she's not three months old anymore. Sometimes those mom glasses are blinding.

PS - As you can see the hair situation is, well, not really happening yet. But we are ever hopeful. It's growing, just slowly. She doesn't tolerate anything on her head so we are bow and flower free right now and have decided to embrace the large bald noggin. Eh, what can you do.


David and Jana said...

super cute!!:) I love reading your adventures in parenting!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog too. It makes me feel like I'm not missing everything fun. By the way Ginger didn't have any hair until she was 3. Yes you read it right 3 years old, and look at her now.


ashley said...

I love that outift! So cute! She's getting so big, I need to see you guys again.