Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Our chicken noodle is ten months old. And this month more than any other has made me emotional. The other day I boxed up her winter clothes that are forever too small for her and it made me genuinely sad that her babyhood is winding down. There is less than two months until she is a 1-year-old and no longer a baby. Soon I'll stop tracking her age by months and she'll be walking and saying her first words. And I'm so not ready! For a long time I was preparing for a baby but I don't think I've been adequately debriefed for a toddler yet. Maybe someone should throw me a toddler shower - I think the gifts might help. Just kidding. Anyway. We just rearranged our entire house in an attempt to make it more child friendly and we are currently shopping for a more spacious car. My oh my, how quickly a baby upends your entire life. Good thing she's adorable. And so totally worth it.

She has recently developed some strong preferences so this month I'll go through the list of her loves and dislikes.

Loves going on walks but dislikes being strapped into the stroller. Actually she hates all manner of confinement: car seats, diaper changes, high chairs... it sometimes makes me feel like my profession is alligator wrestler.

Loves supper time but hates getting her face wiped afterward. Side note - Brad hates messy face pictures. And usually I do too - but check out that double chin. Fantastic.

Loves to play with all manner of toys but dislikes this soccer ball at Ashley's house. You can see how the rug bunched up after she quickly scooted herself back in terror.

Loves to crawl into her office (under our desk) but dislikes when we take away her CDs and pull her back out.

Loves to read Brown Bear Brown Bear but dislikes when I don't let her hold it while we read. Interesting fact - I actually do think this is her favorite because it's the only book she doesn't chew on. Although maybe that's just because it doesn't taste good.

Loves napping on the way home from church with her leg up over the side but dislikes waking up still buckled.

Loves to visit Dad at school but dislikes when he goes to school with out her.

Loves having two new teeth to chew with but dislikes growing them, the process was so painful that she hardly slept. All better now though and she has six teeth showing.

Loves to make messes but dislikes clean them up.

Loves to help me cook but dislikes following an actual recipe.

And finally, loves to help me clean the dishes but dislikes when I stop her from crawling into the dishwasher.


Carn Family said...

I could almost copy and paste that entire post and have it be about Logan. I love that she is terrified of the soccer ball, that is too funny. It must be warmer there then it is here...all those cute spring outfits are adorable!

David and Jana said...

super cute. I remember putting away Mary's season clothes, too. The only thing that made me happy was that the next time I pull them out it will be for another tiny little girl. Makes me heart smile!

Unknown said...

I love her outfit in the soccer ball picture. that is something you would wear...and I probably would too.

Anonymous said...

I love that you share all of this on the blog. I don't feel so left out or her childhood. Kids have to be the best present Hevenly Father ever gave us. I also wonder in my crazy mind since she hates all confinment, if that has anything to do with taking away her agency. Maybe she remembers how hard we faught for our agency. Grandma Diane