Monday, January 31, 2011


{image via flickr}

Do you ever find that there are certain words you just CAN NOT learn to spell? Because it happens to me all the time and I hope I'm not the only one. It's like there is some sort of mental blockage and no matter how many times you look up certain words and convince yourself that THIS is the time you'll remember, you just can't seem to get it in to the long term memory folder. It's not even like they are hard words! Which makes it all that much more embarrassing when they are consistently misspelled. Oh sheesh I'm ashamed just thinking about the awkward situations in which I've misspelled certain words. Here are my most common down falls:

definitely - I always put an 'a' instead of an 'e' or accidentally turn it in to 'defiantly,' which as it turns out has a different meaning

surprise - I literally learned to spell this word like two weeks ago, wow, who knew there were two 'r's? Apparently not me.

clothes - I always forget the 'e' so it often sounds like I'm wearing cloths instead of clothes, I vividly remember my fourth grade teacher circling all the 'cloths' in my thought journal with an angry red pen but I still have to hesitate and double check it every time.

Plus it's not like my spelling will get any better. I'm so lazy, even my cell phone has spell check. Oh, well.


Nicole said...

hahaha i just learned definitely a few years ago! and that one seems to be misspelled by most! on a similar note until very recently i though philanderer and philanthropist were one in the same. Boy was i wrong!

Annalise said...

For me it's "exercise". I'm constantly adding a "z" and messing up all of the consonants. You would think I would learn. Glad to know I'm not the only one!

David and Jana said...

THats funny! I did that with surprise, too. I don't say it with an extra r...

LOVE your good deeds, sorry about your punishments. :( 45 seconds doesn't seem like that long, but I know how that goes, too. Mary is my "every time I turn around" baby! And btw, I have always thought your floors were clean.