Thursday, January 13, 2011


Our little chub-chub is seven months! Her list of accomplishments this month include:

. Belly surfing on our hard wood floor. I don't think she'll ever learn to crawl because she's getting pretty efficient at pushing herself around on her belly. Oh well.

. Screeching. No this isn't a Saved By The Bell reference. More along the lines of a screeching that sounds like a whistle or possibly Mariah Carey doing vocal practices in her upper range. Not fun.
. When she's not screeching she has started to do more baby talk. She has mastered the "gahb" sound. It's only a matter of minutes until she's reading Shakespeare I can feel it!
. Eating solids. And by "solids" I mean all manner of pureed food and some puffs that dissolve in her mouth. BUT she has learned to chew the puffs as they dissolve before swallowing them whole. We had a few scary almost choking instances that got my heart racing. But all is good, everyone is still alive. (sidenote - whenever she takes the first bite of something she makes this face as if she's stunned/angry that something has entered her mouth.)
. She's starting to get more hair!

. When she gets excited she flaps her arms like a seal. This most often happens when she encounters new people, when dad comes home, and when I'm too slow to feed her the next bite of food. It's adorable.
. The most common comment she gets is about her "big blue eyes" and the fact that she is such a good happy baby. No complaints there!
. She has been wiggly but generally quiet through church the past few weeks. In fact this past Sunday I got to sit through the first hour without having to get up.
. She's started tilting her head to the side when she smiles, much like an adorable puppy. It makes me melt every time! (Yes I just compared my child to a dog, get over it.)

. She loves all these electronic - cell phone, mouse, remote... If one comes in to her view she becomes unhinged until she can touch it. So now we have to keep these items out of her line of sight. Just add it to the list of ways a baby changes EVERYTHING in ways you'd never imagine.
. She has two bottom teeth. Hopefully she doesn't have any more coming soon I need a break from teething.
. Balancing. She can sit by herself now unassisted. Her balance still needs some improvement because as soon as she reaches for something she usually topples over which startles her and makes her cry.

. And I've saved the best for last. She is finally sleeping through the night! We had to wait for the perfect storm where she wasn't teething or sick and for a time where we could be consistent. That day ended up being when we got back from Christmas vacation. Her old bedtime was about 11:30 on a normal night so we are working on moving that back. The new schedule is I nurse her and put her down between 10:00 and 11:00 and let her cry it out and she has never cried more than 8 minutes! I was all geared up for hours of crying for Finley and hours of emotional torment for me. But it was really anticlimactic. Oh well, I'm not complaining! She sleeps solid until 8:30 or 9am and it is fantastic! My friend at church asked if I love Finley a little more when I have a full nights rest and the answer is, honestly, yes. Sleep problem? Solved. For now.

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