Tuesday, May 20, 2008

hiking the Y

Come August Brad and I won't have access to our one our favorite things: hiking. As much fun as hiking across the super flat lands of Illinois sounds, I fear that the Chicago natives just call that "walking". In an effort to curb our saddness we are trying to hike a new Utah trail every weekend. We decided our first destination would be good ole' Y Mountain (we wanted to take it easy for our first trek of the summer). We've done three different hikes now, so I have a few posts to catch up on. Here was our first grand adventure battling the elements!

Y Mountain

Brad and I both had the same experience on our very first hike up to the Y years ago. We both scaled the side of the mountain straight to the top instead of taking the well worn and appropriately steap path. Although, his was on purpose on a race with a buddy. Mine was because my freshman room mate and I were both idiots and didn't realize that there was a path. Good times. The hike takes about 30-40 minutes (at a steady walking pace) and the view is not half bad. For those worried about the steap climb the woman that took this picture was two weeks away from giving birth. Also, on our climb down a gentleman no less than 90 years old was running (!) up the trail.


Jess said...

Hooray for hiking! Have you guys ever hiked past the 'Y'? It gets sooooo much better. Singletrack, aspen trees, large meadows, you name it. Also- for trail ideas check out www.activetrails.com (Sam's pet project). There's tracklogs for GPS devices as well as topo maps for tons of trails in the area. We've seriously hiked all over these mountains. Happy hiking!

Kristen Miner said...

oh la la! Showing some skin!

ashley said...

Haha. I TOTALLY forgot about you and Sage scaling the side of the mountain. That was really funny!

PS--I think Sam and I (and Parker) are coming to Utah for a wedding the weekend of June 27th.

Scott said...

I have a funny feeling the Nicole and I are never going to make our way up the Y. I crave poker.