Wednesday, April 30, 2008

happy green birthday to me!

So, I am now 25 and although I didn't have a "quarter life crisis" as John Mayer would say, I did however start to think I should become more responsible in the amount of waste I produce. I don't agree with every aspect of the Green Movement (don't even get Brad started), but I think there are real things that everyone can do to make a difference. With that said Brad was amused to find out that what I really wanted for my birthday was reusable grocery bags. I searched the internet and found these excellent bags that meet my criteria for size, price, and cuteness. They fold up to about the size of a deck of cards so I can carry them around in my ginormous purse when they aren't being used. Can't wait to go shopping with them! Thanks to Brad for the fantastic birthday gift!


Kristen Miner said...

Oh very cute! Great idea!

Breanne King said...

Ok those are so very cute!