Monday, April 28, 2008


Congratulations to the newest Carn graduate! This pictures was taken in front of the Clyde Building where he pratically lived for the last four years. Good thing his summer job has him working here or he might have shed a few tears on his last day.

I'm bummed now that I can't hold it over Brad's head that I'm smarter than him because I have a degree and he doesn't. Dang it! That was my perfect ending to a "who's wrong and who's right" conversation. Now I'll just have to play the "I'm older and wiser" card (even if it's only by a month).

Graduation was great, except that when they called his name they mistakenly took "Brad" clearly typed by a computer for "Bradey". So when they announced his name as "Bradey Carn" we all got a good laugh. In my opinion Brad is a far more common name and yet this has happend to him on a couple of different occasions. In the future when the alumni association calls Brad to donate to BYU he's going to ask "Are you looking for Brad or Bradey?" and then hang up.

By the way, enjoy the whiteness. You can see just how harsh the winter was here by our skin, yikes! Yeah we'll be taking care of that soon. Hiking and camping here we come!

Brad and his buddy Rich who is also going to Dental School this fall.

Brad & I, aka The Whiteness

if you graduate from BYU you have to have your picture taken here, it's practically the law

Brad's parents came in all the way from Chicago!


jenny said...

Yay for brady! Congratulations! B, you were having an EXCELLENT hair day. And I totally took a pic by the sign too.

ashley said...

Congrats to Brad!! When do you guys live for Illinois?

Kristen Miner said...

Oh, I see no whiteness. Come over my direction and I will show you whiteness. Congrats to Brad now! His nights are going to be so great now.

Carn Family said...

When Charlie graduated he wrote on his card for them to say "Chuck , Da Bears, Carn" when they read his name they said, "Chuck DeBeers" no Carn. Ross and Diane and all the grandmas in attendance were none too pleased to not have even heard Charlies name called. What is it with these Carn boys and graduation? We are excited to have you guys out here a litlle closer!

Kjell Crowe said...

wooo hoooo!!! right on brad!!