Monday, February 4, 2008

go giants!

So for once the commercials and half time show were upstaged by the game. I love the anxiety of it all, Eli's face with 59 seconds left to go was priceless! I wasn't particularly attached to either team but I cheered for the Giants because who doesn't love a good underdog story? And let's be honest, who doesn't love a Manning? The other highlight of the night was celebrating America's second favorite sport: eating. Between french fries, chicken wings, veggie tray, chips and dip, little smokies, and cheese fondue (yes we made it classy) it's needless to say that Brad and I will be eating only salads for the next three weeks.

I shamelessy stole these pictures from ellie's blog, no remorse. I was too lazy to take pictures.

Rachel, Anthony and I before the stomach cramps hit

Ellie and Eli, can't you just see that on a wedding announcement? Too bad he's taken.


ashley said...

Who doesn't like a manning? I don't! I'm predicting at least 5 new Peyton/Eli commercials in the next month.

Ellie said...

Thief!! I expect royalties from those pictures! I'd marry Eli..I'm ok with being a millionaire and most people spell my name that way anyway.

ww said...

Bridgita...please ditch your husband and come down to California with K and J, for old times' sake. We miss you! And, as always, ride the wave...feel the rush.

irondave said...

do they still make socks like that?