Thursday, November 1, 2007

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

So the company I work for is obsessed with Halloween. Each department is given a cash budget to decorate their department in a theme. Outside judges are brought in to rate the departments and costumes and give prizes. For lunch they served Hot Chocolate and donuts and played the Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin Movie on all the TVs. Then for the last hour of the day everyone's kids came and trick-or-treated to each department. There are about 400 employees so there were a whole slew of kids running around. My department decided to go with the Wizard of Oz theme and I was assigned the role of Dorothy. While my costume was a little small (my aunt made it for her daughter when she was in high school) it was fun to see everyone get so in to it. The department that won the decorating contest did Nightmare Before Christmas (they covered everything in black, put black lights throughout the office and hand painted life size versions of all the characters and had the movie projected on all the walls). It was pretty incredible to see all the talent and effort that went in to everything.

After work I went over to Brooke and Dave's to pass out their Halloween candy while they took their kids trick-or-treating. Lauren was Ariel (kudos to Brooke for finding the awesome Ariel wig) and Scott was a Nay-Nay (his word for horse or anything horse related). Brad and Scott are best buds so Brad was especially said he couldn't be there to see them in their costumes.

Lauren: "Did Uncle Brad dress up as Toto?"
Bridget: "No, I think Brad dressed up as BYU student."
Lauren: "... That's not fun!"
Bridget: "I think Brad would agree."

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