Friday, November 16, 2007

gone baby gone

So brad is gone for the weekend for his two dental school interviews for the University of Illinois at Chicago and Southern Illinois. He already had the one at UIC and at the end of his second interview they told him "Well I don't see any reason why we won't see you here next year". Who knows if they say that to all the applicants, but we were still pleased. They told us that we would most likely hear back from them by Nov. 30 so we will keep you updated! Well since Brad is gone I don't have a lot going on, but here are some random thoughts...

My book club is officially up and running! Our first meeting is on December 6th from 7-8 PM. We are reading "Twilight" to start things off non-offensive and easy. Anyone interested in coming is more than welcome! It's at my apartment and I promise there will be some delicious vampire themed food :)

My mom finally moved in to her house in Lehi, so while Brad is out of town I will be spending all my time helping her unpack and get things ready for the holidays. Hopefully by Saturday night we can a have a few beds set up so I can just sleep there instead of driving back and forth from Provo.

Brad and I are desperate to go to the BYU/Utah game next Saturday (but not desperate enough to spend a fortune). If anyone knows how we can obtain reasonably priced tickets we are very interested! Hey, we'll even take free tickets :)

Brad and I tried to make a list of things we want for Christmas and it was next to impossible! We could barely think of three items between the two of us. Remember the good old days when you would just list everything in the Toys R Us catalogue and call it a day? That thing was as big a phone book! Come on, it was incredible. I'm sure I could do the same thing with Pottery Barn, but my point is Christmas isn't the same wonderfully shallow holiday it is when you are a kid. When you are older it's all about family and Christ and giving! When did this happen?

I've been conducting an experiment at work called "dress for the job you want". Apparently when you wear heels and skirts in a professional environment all of sudden you become taken seriously. Weirdly enough it's seriously true.

The Mavs have now beat San Antonio and Golden State! Cuban Nation can now take a collective sigh of relief. I feel like we might be on to something good here. By the way this picture is amazing, but cracks me up- the slogan "New Heights" and a crate? Doesn't matter, Avery is the man.

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