Wednesday, December 5, 2012


So Reagan started eating solids about a month ago. We started with the old stand by - rice cereal. She was NOT a fan.

Very skeptical.

Sure! The two-year-old can do the feeding! Now I can finally watch my stories and eat bon bons. Which is what Brad thinks I do anyway.

And here is what happened after the first few bites. You would think we were torturing her! And all cereals were a no go. We tried: rice, brown rice, and oatmeal. 

Finley's hotdog looked mighty appetizing!

Which gave me an idea! I'm a smart mamma. I figured out that this lady has a sophisticated palate. She just wanted the real stuff. So far she's eaten all sorts of veggies and fruits, but she's most partial to the bananas.

She's also figured out that bath time comes right after eating time. So now when I lift her out of the highchair after eating she starts shaking with excitement. I'm starting to smell a routine! Let's just hope this leads to her sleeping through the night again. I miss my 9 hour sleeper!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe thats meeeee!