Sunday, April 1, 2012


You know what early spring weather makes you do? Buy your toddler ridiculously unnecessary but awesome sunglasses. Finley loves them and surprisingly hasn't broken them yet. And it's so funny to see her try to mimic the way I put them on top of my head.

I'd like to add Glazebrook Park to the things we will most definitely miss when we move. We are literally there at least three times a week. There's a lake with a walking trail plus a great park. So I put on my walking shoes and waddle my way around the lake with Finley in the BOB and then she gets to play afterwards. It's the perfect activity for both of us. Yesterday she actually went down the big tube slide by herself and I almost cried. She's becoming more of a toddler and less of a baby everyday. It makes me nostalgic because these days of it being just us two are quickly dwindling. And I feel like I can't really enjoy it because we have so much going on. Soon it will be "the girls" instead of just "Finley," which I'm really excited about but it still makes me a little weepy.

Wait, this isn't right?

When she arrives she likes to take a tour of everything on the playground and give it all a three second try. Then she spends the rest of the time on the slide.

Classic example of her running away from me.

Picnic at the park.

Singing and dancing for people walking by. Such a ham.

1 comment:

ashley said...

baby chambray! so cute, she's awesome.