Thursday, April 5, 2012


This picture was actually taken last week at 30 weeks, so imagine me just a bit larger and with a more uncomfortable look on my face. Here is the rundown on the latest:

- Still no back pain this time around. Huzzah! That was my biggest complaint at this stage. SO thankful I don't have to deal with that, I'm guessing it's because it feels like I'm carrying this baby so much higher so maybe my posture is better?? That can't be it. Who knows why. All I know is I'm happy about that fact for sure.
- Baby Dos still does not have an official name although we do have it down to a list of three with a very clear front runner. We feel again like we can't make any declarations until we see this little biscuit for the first time. Let's just say there must be some presidential inspiration in the air since it's an election year.
- At my last appointment her heart rate was going strong and I'm measuring right on track.
- I'm feeling lots of movement all day long and her favorite place seems to be on my right side. She used to prefer the left side but that changed a few weeks ago. Finley was also always on my right side.
- At least 5 people that I routinely see (neighbor, grocery story clerk...) told me within the last week that they didn't realize I was pregnant. Seriously? I really hope it's because my winter clothes were concealing it and spring clothes are more revealing of a protruding belly because it feels like I've been pregnant for 10 years.
- When we ask Finley if she wants to say "Hi" to Baby Sister she'll come over to my belly and wave and say "Oh, Hi!" and then give it a kiss. I think I've mentioned this on a post before... but she still does it almost everyday. She also started saying, "Awwww, Baby." Whenever she sees a picture of one or one on TV or even with her own dolls. I guess I have been cooing and "awwwing" over babies lately. It must be getting about that time!
- I've gone through a bunch of food cravings/phases this time around as well: cheese, nutella, berries, tuna. And now all I want to eat is cereal. Although that might partly be due to laziness. All I can say is eating this much cereal has given me major college flashbacks. I'm pretty sure all I ate for five years was Special K and Oh's. My current favorite is Grape Nut Flakes. When I'm feeling fancy I eat it parfait style with some greek yogurt instead of milk. I know. Watch out!

**Fingers crossed! We are thisclose to finally getting a house. Looks like our move date will officially be the last week of May. Yep, you read that right. One week before my due date. Stay tuned... more to come on that can of worms on a later post.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally get to see a picture of you pregnant. Nice shirt by the way :). Im going to Utah to buy a dress this weekend! Good luck with the house situation!