Monday, March 5, 2012


I am all sorts of huge now. In fact here's a funny story. I was at Finley's library reading group and one of the other moms is also pregnant. The librarian asked when this tiny bellied woman, who certainly was no more than 16 weeks along, was due and she replied, "I'm down to the final six weeks!" She then asked when I was due and I was so flabbergasted by my enormous belly easily twice her size that it took forever for me to answer, "Um. I... still have a while. Mid June. So 14 weeks." Seriously, where do some woman put those babies? I definitely get a bit bigger everywhere. Which is fun. No one can judge a pregnant woman for getting chubby, right? It's such a magical time. Other than hugeness, here are some updates on how things with Baby Dos are progressing.

* Things are looking more and more like we might be birthing this baby in Alabama. More to come on that later since a lot of variables are still up in the air. Namely a house that we could actually move in to by May. We'll see.
* She kicks and moves all night long - sometime waking me up with her acrobatics. But I hardly feel her at all during the day. Oh joy another night owl! Not like we don't already have three of those living at our house.
*  Meat aversion is on high alert (other than chicken). I did not get this with Finley. Seriously, the smell of meat is rancid and unnatural. Typing that thought right now actually made me gag a little. Gross.
*She should weigh roughly 2 pounds, which my hips seem to be screaming against. During the day I'm fine but sleeping on my side makes my hips hurt so bad that when I wake up I walk like an old lady for a few hours. Feels great and looks super attractive.
* We are still undecided on a name, but we definitely have a top three that don't seem to be budging. Which is an improvement over Finley. We were literally still deciding between five or so names as we signed her birth certificate. Have I mentioned that Brad gets to decide the middle name with no input/veto/approval from me? We've decided to alternate every other child with choosing the middle name on our own - I told Brad that our first girl would have the middle name Anne so he had basically no say in Finley's middle naming. It's fun and Brad is being a little secretive about what he's thinking for Baby Dos (or it's possible that he hasn't thought about it at all).
* Other than my hips and terrible smells I'm feeling pretty good. Sometimes I forget I have this huge belly sticking out in front of me. Like when Finley wants me to pick her up or I'm giving Brad a hug or I'm trying to slide behind someone in church. I've been going on a lot of walks which I actually think helps to keep my energy up.
* People are much more handsy with my belly this time. What is up with that? It is SOOOO awkward when someone rubs your pregnant belly. I try to be gracious but it's a major don't in my book unless it's your best friend, husband, child, sister, mother... not a random store clerk at Wal-Mart.

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