Friday, March 16, 2012


We went to the St. Louis Zoo a few weeks ago and let me tell you - it was so much more fun to take a toddler than a baby. Previously she had no idea we were even at the Zoo - so it was really just me walking around with a 15 pound weight that cried for food. This time she pointed and smiled and repeated the names of the animals and was truly interested in her surroundings. Her favorite parts were when she could get up close and personal with the animals. She loved the hippo tank because it's essentially a huge aquarium with tons of fish swimming around. She was totally mesmerized and didn't even realize it contained hippos towards the back. At one point she turned to "talk" to one of the other kids standing around while a hippo casually walked towards her...

When she turned back to the tank SUPRISE! HIPPO FACE! She was a little taken aback and started to make some panic noises when she realize what was in front of her...

and ultimately decided to make a quick getaway.

By the time she stepped off the rocks the hippo had moved onto greener pastures. But it was the only time in our 20 minutes spent looking at the fish that any of the the hippos approached the glass. So it was a fun close encounter. I'm glad I just happened to be taking pictures (although let's get real, when am I not taking pictures?).

One of her other favorite spots was looking at the monkeys. Sidenote - I don't even try to tame that hair anymore. Yep I'm one of THOSE moms that lets her kid runaround with crazy hair. Hey as long as I keep it trimmed so it's not a mullet I think I'm doing okay.

But it was the end of a three hour expedition in which I spent either pushing Finley in a stroller up a hill or chasing her through the Butterfly House. I figured when I started to feel Braxton Hicks contractions it was probably time to head home.

Add the St. Louis Zoo to my list of things I'll miss the most when we leave. It's about a 50 minute drive but totally worth every free penny... I'd seriously be there every day if we lived half the distance away.

1 comment:

Clay and Katy said...

I love the St Louis Zoo!!! Love those pictures with the hippo :)