Thursday, September 8, 2011


So August is kind of awful, right? It's hot. Summer is winding down. Everything is brownish. Summer movies are over. School starts again (although that might be a plus for those parents). The new season of Parks and Rec STILL hasn't started. See!? It's lame. So in honor of this white-washed, no-fun time of year we did a whole lot of nothing. In fact I took basically no pictures other than the first part of the month when I was still in Utah. So in order to stop my reoccurring dream where I drown in blog posts I should be doing, I'm going to do a catch-all and recap August all in one post and pretend like this month never happened.

I don't know about your family but we traditionally water our plants in pjs. What's that you say? This looks to be about 11AM and Finley was still not dressed? Yeah yeah yeah. We were on vacation, some days it's just not worth spoiling the mood.

Finley's cousin Avery had a birthday party while we were there. So we got to join in on all the bubblicious fun. They had a kiddy size pool filled with bubble soap and I think almost every kid tasted it but only two fell in. That's pretty impressive! I didn't get any pictures of the decor but Angie had it decorated so adorable. Yummy food, good company, and fun for the kids. You can't ask for much more.

I did a lot of sewing while I was at my moms. She actually has a sewing room easily accessible while Finley took naps. As you can see I didn't get much done while the wee one was awake - she's a little too helpful.

Bath time at grandmas! My mom has a west facing window right above her bath and every night I would admire how great the lighting was. So the last night we were there I made sure to get some pictures of Finley.

And this was in the Denver Airport. I've spent my fair share of layovers there and I have to say it's one of my favorite airports. Is that sad to have a favorite airport? It's just so open and it's a breeze getting through. We had two hours to kill and found a quiet corner to watch a movie and run around without disturbing anyone.

TADA! August is so over! September, you are only slightly more awesome mainly because you are cooler (temp wise), new TV starts up, and trees start to turn all colorful. It's hard being the mediocre opening act for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

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