Monday, October 18, 2010


My dad came to visit last weekend to come and see Finley. It was good timing because she smiles, isn't wary of strangers and stays awake more than 20 minutes a day. We had a good time - turns out babies are a huge fun distraction. My dad even offered to babysit one night so Brad and I could go on a date! We went and saw The Social Network (we both really liked it) but after realizing that our favorite theater jacked the prices from $7.50 to $10 we probably won't be going to many more movies. But we had a good time and I'm really glad we got to go out.

She loves these sunglasses. As soon as we put them on her she looks all around and just chills. She's the coolest baby around.

We went to Pere Marquette to hike up the bluffs and do some bird watching. It was an incredibly beautiful day. BUT YIKES. I knew I was white but we are looking a bit vampirific. I heard when you have a summer baby and stay inside everyday your skin won't turn darker shades. I think they call it a tan?

Case in point - my dad makes us look especially pasty. I guess I'm still trying to embrace my inner midwesterner.

Finley also loves exploring which to her is chewing on everything and anything. Apparently the Baby Bjorn is especially tasty.

We ate outside at a restaurant in Grafton which had some delicious food. Finley had a bit of a blowout so she was changed into her spare clothes - which happened to be her jammies. And once again we were in place that did not have a changing station in the bathroom - she has a real talent for that. So the waitress said we could use the upstairs of the restaurant (it's a converted old house) which happened to be a antique store. Luckily there were no customers otherwise they would have caught something they probably weren't shopping for - a nakey and rather stinky Finners.

Proof that babyhood is not all sunshine and rainbows. I think she's adorable when she cries, it makes it hard not to smile just a little. But even though I think it's cute we are still conscientious that other people might not think so. Don't worry this bit of crying didn't last too long, she just wanted to be held by someone who was standing. Who do we think we are making her be held while we sit? THE NERVE.

Finley loves Grandpa's Ipad. She "played" the piano and watched Carrie Underwood music videos. You know, a normal day for a fourth month old.

She's nakey! Actually she had a diaper on. After going through four outfits in the same day I decided clothes just weren't meant to be that day. So while we ate dinner Finley hung out in the Bumbo, doesn't it make her look so grown up?


irondave said...

If anyone is wondering - Finley is as cute as her pictures indicate. She is just a fun baby to be around and Brad and Bridget are equally fun but I found them hard to hold up in the air or bounce on my knee like I was doing with Finley. But they are still cool and sliding nicely into this parenthood stewardship like naturals!
Love, dad

ashley said...

She MUST marry one of my boys! I love her!!!