Tuesday, June 15, 2010


A few days before Finley was born my dad came to visit - we had a good time going out to eat and getting a few last minute items prepared. I like to call this the calm before the storm.

Then my mom came into town for the long haul to help with the birth and Finley's first few weeks of life. This was taken as I was registering the night before Finley's birth at Saint Anthony's Hospital.

Here I am - little did I know what was about to go down over the course of the next 24 hours. I will spare everyone the gory details but let's just say that Finley needed A LOT of prodding to get into this world. Pitocin... 10 hours later... epidural... 45 later... pushing... 2 hours later... forcepts... 2 minutes later... birth.

I'm not gonna say it wasn't painful - but it was magical and totally worth the work and the wait.

This is Finley coming home for the first time. She wore home the same dress I wore home from the hospital when I was born. I was a little chunkier so it was a little big on her.

This is the awesome Dr. Cannon that delivered Finley... apparently Finley had some wicked flash backs because two seconds before I took this picture she was totally fine.

She loves to sleep all day and loves to cuddle. She hates sponge baths and sleeping at night. We are all learning - but we still think we got pretty lucky.


irondave said...

Thanks for sharing - what a proud looking papa and mama and what a beautiful girl - but imam being repetitive, I need new superlatives to describe my favorite granddaughter.
Love, dad

Kjell Crowe said...

yayyyyy!!!! I'm excited for you guys!
She's a beauty!

Clay and Katy said...

well she is just adorable!!!!

Nicole said...

that face! she's seriously cute, and not just because she's a baby! i hope you are all doing well! hopefully we'll get to meet her someday! congrats!

Carn Family said...

She is just perfect! It is cute to see Brad as a dad. Congrats...and feel free to call and chat during any of your long nights, I am usually up most of the night as well :)

Kristin said...

Wow. I cannot believe you have a little punkin! Bridge, she's gorgeous. I just want to snuggle her up. I can't can't wait to see her (please tell me you're still coming). Give her a big kiss for me!

PS. Your parents both look so excited and proud. You're such a grown up! Also, love that she wore your homecoming dress (that sounds weird, I'm picturing PESH 1999, but you know what I mean) for her trip home from the hospital.

Unknown said...

She is so beautiful! Congtats to you both. We're so excited for you. Enjoy every moment it goes by FAST! Happy Birthday Brad

ssh said...

yowsers, the time line you laid out scared my empty womb. your little girl is beautiful! tried to send you a message via facebook, not sure if you got it, and seeing how you can't write on brad's wall, i'm here writing the message. what's your email so i can send you an invite to our blog? congrats!
-steph hunter

Jennifer said...

Congratulations Bridget! She is so beautiful!

ashley said...

She is so so gorgeous! Like seriously. But I know you don't need me to tell you that! I want to snuggle her!!! Only a couple more months! :) I'm going to start showing Lincoln her picture. It will be love at first sight, I know it.

jenny said...

Oh. My. Gosh.

I love her so much. She is so sweet B! I cannot WAIT to meet her!!!!! You're coming this summer right?!?!?! She needs to meet her aunt yen.