Tuesday, February 16, 2010


For those of you that thought this wasn’t going to turn in to a pregnancy/baby blog… you were dead wrong. Sorry. It’s kind of funny how much of your focus turns to all things belly and baby before the child is even born. So here is a Week 24 update on the progress of The Burrito: (Side note – we are considering changing her name to La Burrito to make it both multicultural and more gender accurate. We’ll keep you posted).

- STATS: Supposedly she’s about 1.5 lbs now and about the size of an ear of corn. I can’t believe babies have survived outside the womb at this stage. SO tiny. I’d prefer her to gain 6 or 7 more pounds first.

- Lessons Learned: After this pregnancy I will never take for granted the simple task of putting on socks. It’s one of the “chores” that has become a ten minute ordeal – complete with short breaths and an elevated heart rate.

- El Food: The vegetable aversion is still going strong. I’ve resolved to eating sandwiches stuffed with raw spinach to get any sort of green into my diet. I don’t want this kid to be dumb.

- What’s New: I bought fabric to start on La Burrito’s baby quilt, but it’s so pretty I’m too afraid to start cutting it. I’m thinking she won’t mind a pile of raw scraps as her first blanket. Seriously though, quilting fabric has come up in the world.

- Something That’s Getting Old: Between me, the belly, the necessary body pillow, and Brad’s requirement to sleep diagonally sprawled out - we pretty much need four California kings to contain everyone. The queen is just not cutting it. It's a fun game of geometry until SOMEONE loses a limb for smacking HIS arm on my head for the fifteenth time. I love marriage.

- Movin’ and shakin’: She still reacts the most after I drink orange juice – which is usually in the mornings. But I feel her squirming constantly throughout the day. So either she sleeps restlessly (like her dad) or she just doesn’t sleep. Joy.

- Names: We have opened the flood gates to baby names again, so we are really undecided on that front. We won’t make a final decision until La Burrito makes her first appearance anyway, but hopefully we’ll have it widdled down to 2 or 3. What is your opinion on a name starting with “B,” is that too much alliteration for one family to handle?

- Comfort: Besides bedtime, this is the best I’ve felt my entire pregnancy. The only other losses in comfort I’ve noticed are an achy back, and all of a sudden I can’t scoot my chair to my desk so the keyboard seems miles away. Otherwise I have tons more energy and thankfully I fit into maternity clothes now.

- Non-Pregnancy Happenings: Brad and I finally saw Avatar. The 3D was incredible; I don’t think that could be oversold. It was honestly jaw dropping sometimes. But the story line? Meh. If I wanted to be beaten over the head with James Cameron’s political views I wish it would have been written better and didn’t cost us $25. And PS – it’s LONG. My back started killing me after 5 mins, so yeah.

I hope your Valentines weekend was wonderful!


bradget said...

Bridget is full of crap. She sleeps on my side of the bed constantly jack knifed, and now with the body pillow its gotten ridiculous. I love her but she's full of it.


Bre said...

Um, Brad, when are you going to learn that the wife is always right? ESPECIALLY when she's prego. Just wait until she's measuring full term and can't sleep so she's tossing and turning. That's when it gets really fun!

Oh, and as far as girl B names go, I like the name Bre, but I could be a little biased. :)

I'm so excited for you guys! Keep the baby posts coming! It's fun to hear that other people are going through the same thing. :)

Unknown said...

love the dress.

David and Jana said...

Hey, Brad, You can have a fun talk with David then... he'll tell you all sorts of lies about our covers and who sleeps on whos side of the bed. :) Remember its just his opinion, if you want the story straight, ask me.

I think a name that starts with B would be totally cute. And how fun.
Lovin' the baby blog. The quilt is going to be darling.

jenny said...

Hahahah Brad's comment. Hilarious. I love this post! That fabric is gorgeous! Especially the far left. <3

Avatar was lame. Effects, fantastic. Very beautiful. Story? LAME LAME LAME. Couldn't get past it.

Nicole said...

i love that fabric